Frequently Asked Questions

Where does the Sunday service take place?

Our Sunday service happens at the Soundhouse Studios (33 W 8th Avenue, Vancouver) in Mount Pleasant.

What is parking like at the Soundhouse Studios?

Parking can be tricky, so make sure to leave some extra time if you’re driving! There is free “2 hour parking” south of Broadway and east of Broadway, about a 10-15 minute walk from the Soundhouse Studios, which on weekends is free of time constrictions. There is also parking on the immediate streets around the Soundhouse Studios (8th, Manitoba, and Ontario). All of these spots are $1 per hour, which can be paid for at the pay station or through the PayByPhone app.

Is Passion Church a young adult church?

Nope! We want to be an intergenerational church of all ages and all backgrounds. Our Launch Team consisted of primarily young adults, but our desire is to be a community where kids, teenagers, and adults of all ages practice the Way of Jesus together.

Is there a Children’s Ministry?

No, not formally. We will launch a formal Children’s ministry as the need grows, and as we develop and train volunteers. For this current season, we will have a dedicated area for parents and their young children directly in our gathering space.

How long is the community group season?

April 2024 - June 2024

What will a Sunday service look and feel like? How long will it be?

Our Sunday service is oriented in the teachings and practice of Jesus Christ. It’s a 90 minute worship service that includes congregational singing, teaching from the Bible, receiving communion together, and guided prayer. It starts at 11:00am, and concludes at around 12:30pm.